Ebou S. Touray


I joined the MRCG at LSHTM in 1992 as a Field Assistant. From 1992 to 2001 in  worked in various projects, across field sites. These included projects on NIBP, Malaria, Bacterial Disease, Tuberculosis public health, HDSS and Biobank, all of which have given me great experiences. In 2014, I became a senior field assistant working in the (HERO G) Study. 

In 2018 I became a field supervisor and then Field Coordinator on the BRIGHT project. I was the lead tester for the Behavioural assessments, i.e Mullen Scales of Early Learning, measures of parent-infant interactions, and the infant anthropometry. I also assist in the neuroimaging data collection using FNIRS, eye tracking and EEG.

It’s a great experience working in this team and I have gathered so much knowledge and skills.